Ocean Alley perform their hit single ‘Confidence’, February 2019.
Ocean Alley perform their hit single ‘Confidence’, February 2019.
DJ Flex Mami warms up the TRL crowd before filming of the show begins, February 2019.
Kwame performs on TRL, February 2019.
Kwame performs his song ‘Wow’ for the crowd, February 2019.
DJ Flex Mami on the decks at TRL, February 2019.
Kwame leans into the camera during a recording of TRL, February 2019.
Ocean Alley being interviewed for TRL, February 2019.
Ocean Alley record a segment for MTV’s TRL show, February 2019.
Thandi Phoenix performs at TRL, March 2019.
Thandi Phoenix performs her song ‘My Way’ at TRL, March 2019.
Cub Sport with TRL Hosts Ash London and Angus O'Loughlin, March 2019.
DJ Flex Mami performing at TRL, March 2019.
Thandi Phoenix performs on episode 2 of TRL, March 2019.
Thandi Phoenix performs at TRL, March 2019.
Cub Sport wow the crowd during their live performance, March 2019.
Cub Sport wow the crowd during their live performance, March 2019.